(318) 387-2048
Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts
Precast Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts are ideal for situations where depth or height restrictions demand wide, shallow conduits to handle required flows, as well as:
Installations where a circular or elliptical concrete pipe cannot provide adequate flow capacity.
Box culverts are a superior substitute for cast-in-place box culverts, long-span metal arches, short bridges, and multibarrel circular culverts or drains, providing unmatched strength, durability, and versatility.
Reinforced Concrete Arch Pipe
Reinforced concrete arch pipe is ideal for a variety of specialized conditions such as space constraints, limited fall and insufficient depth for circular pipe. Concrete arch pipe provides exceptional strength and a hydraulically efficient Manning’s “n” of 0.012. Concrete arch pipe offers a superior alternative to metal arch and multiple lines of smaller circular pipe.